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Store Manager

Site The North Face

Section: Retail Store

Principal Accountabilities:

* Assist with supervising daily operations of retail stores* Supervise the back office including customer service

Knowledge & Skill Requirements:

* Associate’s degree; Bachelor’s degree preferred *Equivalent years of experience in a substantially similar industry may be considered in lieu of a degree to be determined by the nature of the specific job and the hiring manager’s criteria* More than five years of experience * Strong organization and communication skills

Knowledge & Application:

* In-depth knowledge within a single work area or developing broad knowledge across a number of policy/technical areas* Experienced technician/administrator with a number of years business experience* Knowledge of standardized rules, procedures, and operations within own area* Determines a course of action based on guidelines

Problem Solving:

* Encounters similar problems which will require some fact finding, clarification, and basic analysis * Solutions will typically be found within normal operating processes and policies* Selects the best resolution based on a set of defined procedures or precedence


* Exchanges standard/basic technical or nontechnical information with colleagues and immediate superiors and/or customers * There may be a requirement to interpret or clarify technical information to aid understanding* Audience is generally knowledgeable about the subject matter* Conveys straightforward information to non-divergent audiences


Impact is limited to short-term team performance (less than one year)* Supports the achievement of goals through own personal effort * Responsible for planning own work, assessing own progress, and adjusting efforts to meet goals


* Accountable for meeting day-to-day team targets which impact the immediate work unit* Takes action to monitor costs related to own work and that of the team * Provides input into the performance appraisal process

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